Monday 1 June 2015

Pattern making (aka tearing my hair out)

Started drawing out my proper pattern using this tutorial (the same one I used for my half scale pattern that didn't work out...)
and it is veeeeeeery stressful!!!!!! I took the measurements of the mannequin I intend to use for my exhibition, and eventually converted them from inches to centimetres, as this made it easier using the pattern. I started using this squared pattern paper when I was measuring in inches...not exactly the smartest thing to do! So I copied the pattern onto plain pattern paper and spent loads of time drawing the curves onto the tops and bottoms of the corset pieces (when drawing the pattern, you have to draw out a grid using your precise measurements, then plot points and join them up to create the pieces, and then finally you have to draw in your curves for the tops and bottoms, which is very hard when you have to make sure everything joins up, so that when you stitch the pieces together they all match up). I cut out the pieces and masking taped them together to ensure they all fit together perfectly, then I drew in the notches so that I can match up the pieces when I come to sewing them together. After that I had to red-draw the pattern pieces onto yet ANOTHER piece of pattern paper, this time with a 1.5cm seam allowance, then cut them out too. Phew! And I'm not there yet *cries*

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