Tuesday 12 May 2015

Start of Unit 85: ideas

Starting a new unit today to run along side FMP, it can link to FMP but doesn't want to be too similar, there has to be boundaries.

The project is about experimentation, there doesn't have to be a final piece or a conclusions, it's purely exploratory work.

It could maybe be a branch out from FMP, so i was thinking about looking into fashion illustration, so my work would be contained in sketchbooks which works as I won't be able to use any of the practical space which will be taken up by the FMP exhibition. If I was to do fashion illustration I could look at the artists and develop my style, which I'd be able to use for my designs for FMP, but wouldn't require me wasting time researching artists when I should be working on FMP. But i don't know...

Emma's just suggested doing some sort of Gif / stop frame animation using like Tyler did last year. It's different to my FMP but something fun and interesting that I've wanted to try for a while but never had time! I love collage and a stop frame animation is fairly easy, giving me lots of time to experiment with how characters move and how much distance to move them each time I take a photo.

I'm thinking i could write stories to film, or maybe use the characters to act out a song?
Maybe even make some sort of advert for fashion? You don't tend to see adverts like that on TV, so it would be quite interesting to do something different. Also, it would be good to do something more modern than what I'm doing with FMP!

So to start off my research I've ventured to youtube to see what quality of work is already out there.
found some pretty bad stuff, and some really good stuff too!! Here are some good and bad ones...

Stop motion animation paper cut outs "See you again" by Kirstie Smith

- This is a really emotional tale and I almost cried! I like the hands being in it, but I think I'd want to create characters using collage rather than use drawn characters, but it's something I can definitely try!

Red - A Stop Motion Paper Animation

- this one is nice in the way the trees are originally built up by little scraps of paper, but I think the "scenes" go on for too long! it just seems like they've been looped to take up time, but it gets boring watching the same bit for about a minute...tbh I didn't watch the whole video because I got bored, so that's something to bear in mind!

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