Tuesday 19 May 2015

Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia

My tutor suggested looking into claustrophobia and agoraphobia, as I want my corset to be restrictive

- irrational fear of confined spaces
- affects about 10% of the population
- mild anxiety to severe panic attack
- commonly feelings /fears of losing control
- some common triggers include: lifts, tunnels, tube trains, revolving doors, public toilets, cars with central locking, car washes, changing rooms in shops, hotel rooms with sealed windows, planes
- physical symptoms of a panic attack: sweating, trembling, hot flushes or chills, difficulty breathing, choking sensation, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, butterflies in stomach, nausea, headaches, dizziness, feeling faint, numbness or pins and needles, dry mouth, needing the toilet, ringing in the ears, feelings of confusion or disorientation
- Psychological symptoms: feelings of loss of control, fainting, dread, dying


- fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or help might not be available if needed
- most people think its a fear of open spaces, but it's more complex
- person might be scared of travelling on public transport, visiting a shopping center or even leaving home
- symptoms of a panic attack: rapid heartbeat, hyperventilating, hot and sweaty, feeling sick
- show symptoms of avoidance behaviour
- approx a third of people with agoraphobia eventually achieve a complete cure without return of symptoms


So I guess I don't actually want to induce panic attacks with my work, but that's sort of similar to what I want, because I want to make out like you'd be trapped in the garment, unable to escape or get help, but its sort of more about feeling like you have to withstand the pain / discomfort to fit in, to be accepted, so perhaps this will help.

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