Friday 22 May 2015

Self restriction

So to really get a feel for how I can restrict the human form, I am sitting on my bed wearing a corset. All I'm going to say for now is ouch...

This is a photo of pretty much the same corset I'm wearing, just to give you an idea...only it definitely doesn't look like that on me hahahahahahahaha I wish!

Okay so for one, it's noticeabley harder to breathe, the corset becomes very tight when I try and take a normal sized breath, and I find that I'm taking more frequent, smaller breaths to try and compensate.
The corset is most comfortable when I'm stood up, or sat up straight when sat down. I'm currently sat cross legged so my posture automatically wants to slouch, but this is painful on my hips where the bottom of the corset is digging in.
The corset is rubbing on my underarms.
It's almost impossible to wear a bra with this on, so my boobs are half flattened under the fabric and half bulging over the top. Not exactly flattering...
The one good thing, however, is that the corset is holding my slightly podgy belly in.
But it's not really doing anything for my shape to be honest! It makes my hips look bigger if anything and the whole squashing my top half doesn't make me look hourglass, it just makes me look more pear shaped! Perhaps an under-bust corset would work better?
It's quite hard to twist and painful to lean forwards, but more comfortable to lean backwards.
I'm finding that I'm bending my neck to look down at the laptop screen because of my straight posture holding my back up, and my neck is hurting now!
I've found I'm able to drink normally, however I can't really take big gulps, it has to be ladylike sips.
I just ate a cheesestring (so healthy...) and with it being a little thing, it wasn't really a problem, but I couldn't imagine trying to eat a full meal with this on!
I'm tending to walk very delicately and carefully.
When I bend down, I have to squat rather than bend over, as I can't touch the floor by bending over.
I just sneezed and OUCH!! Because sneezing makes you tense, and kind of makes you jump or twitch, however you'd describe it, it really hurt.
My shortness of breath is becoming to get really apparent now, and my ribs hurt. I'm also getting a headache which could just be a coincidence, or it could be a result of this corset. In the 18 and 1900s it was quite common for women to faint while wearing their corsets, especially if it was a new, tighter corset or they weren't used to wearing one.
I've got red marks on my boobs and hips where the top of the corset is creating friction.

It has only been about 15 mins...and I'm bored and in pain! This corset certainly is restrictive, and it's only a dress up / decorative one!! It's not a waist trainer, and I couldn't imagine wearing a corset for 23 hours a day every day or whatever you have to do. Yeah, my waist looks alright, but it's not worth the discomfort that I'm going through now! And this is only restricting one part of my body...I wouldn't like to wear anything else restrictive as well, let alone layers and layers of bustles and skirts and blouses and jackets on top! No wonder women used to faint! I can't see why women would want to carry on doing this nowadays, unless it was for a costume or whatever. I wouldn't like to do this day in, day out. Is the "perfect figure" really THAT worth it? Personally I do not think that this looks good!

I've just taken the corset off and the relief is unbelievable! I can move, stretch, bend, slouch and most importantly BREATHE!! It must have been half an hour max that I wore a corset and I honestly don't think I could do it on a regular basis!

There are lines down my stomach where the boning was tight, a diagonal line across each boob where the top was pressing into them, really red marks on my hips, lines across my back from the boning and the lacing and horizontal lines all over my waist area where my skin was pinched. I literally have an imprint of a corset on my skin!

Girls complain about bras being tight and restricting but I'd take a bra over a corset any day!

I want to find out how others feel about wearing a corset so I might get some of the girls (and maybe even guys!) at college to try this one on a see how they feel...?

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