So I painted Chloe...only her face! And neck and shoulders. In lesson I got a tad bored of my awful sculpture that started off as some kind of face but has turned into a weird I don't even know what! Oh and to top it off I found out that the one piece of artwork that I really liked by artist Frank Auerbach...ISN'T BY FRANK AUERBACH!!!! Argh! So my like of Auerbach's work is based on a lie :( But yeah I do still like his work...it's just a shame that the piece of work I really liked is someone's interpretation of his work; their work in the style of his, so to speak. So to re-inspire me, Jon showed me some artists that paint the human body...physically paint on skin! And there work is amazing!!! So, obviously I had to try it for myself!
Chloe willingly volunteered and I painted her first with white emulsion paint- looking back, not such a great idea, but I'll get to that later! The paint cracked around Chloe's eyes and mouth when she smiled, despite her trying to keep a straight face! But I actually really like the effect it created, like cracks in the emotionless mask I was painting onto her face...wow, deep!

So this lovely picture is of Chloe's face when I thought I was done, but I ended up adding some more yellow tones after this photo was taken! I was trying to highlight and shade with the two colours...sort of. I tried to base it on the artist Alexa Meade: http://alexameade.com/ I cannot get over her work...It's AWESOME!!

I personally think the side view pictures look the best as they show the definition of half the face and look kinda spooky... eerie like she's wearing a mask!
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