Friday 13 March 2015

New Project: T-Shirt Design!! Yay!

So we've started a new project...T-shirt design! This has already got me excited as there isn't a theme, so we can pretty much do what we want! I feel so free! But on a serious note, I guess this is sort of my area as it is a bit to do with textiles. Anyway, so we started off by mind mapping the possible themes we could each pick. Since we're designing a collection of t-shirts, I'm going to need a few designs along the same theme, maybe on different coloured shirts or all the same colour but with different coloured designs? To create a prototype t-shirt at the end of the project we are going to use fabric paint and stencils, so my designs will have to be relatively simple with few colours so as not to overcomplicate the whole process. However, if my designs are too complicated then there is always the possibility that I could pay to get my design printed at a professional printing shop, which would cost maybe £10-£15? Not bad really for a professional print job.

From my mind map (it's huge so I'm not going to take a photo of it...) I came up with a lot of possible themes / ideas:
- patterns
- words / quotes
- animals
- x-ray: rib cage & heart, boobs & bra?
- cartoon character
- female / male design
- landscapes: countryside, beach scene, cityscape
- Clothing accessories: necklace, headphones, scarf, hat, glasses
- logo: popular brand, musicians / bands
- Places: images & names, quotes related to the city?
- Seasons: Spring, summer, autumn, winter, colours, images, objects related to the season
- collage / mixed media: something like what Tyler did last year? Artist to look at: Nicki Farquharson
- emoji / faces
- fashion illustration: maybe with some collage? my illustrations on t-shirts, different celebrities? Illustration artist: Hayden WIlliams

Also thought of some brand names:
- Kim.
- Fashable
- Fasha Nabble / Fashi Nabble
- Fasha / Fashi
- Fash.
- T-Shit / T-Shite

Some are quite boring, you can see that I tried to incorporate 'fashionable' into the brand by turning it into an actual name, but I don't really like these ideas. I got the idea of T-Shit from our tutor telling us about the project; obviously T-Shirt sounds like T-Shit and I immediately thought of having cute poos doing different things on the fronts of my t-shirts. I mentioned this idea to the rest of my group and got a really positive reaction...especially from the girls which was a little surprising! But then again, I like the idea and I'm a girl so...haha.

This idea reminds me of the company David & Goliath who have random designs on their clothes, bags and other accessories, so I did a bit of research to make sure I wasn't copying them! I love David & Goliath stuff because of how random their designs are and how they use play on words and phrases. Their designs are quite simple, with bright, block colours, cute facial expressions and general cartoon images.

Above are a few examples of the kind of thing you can expect from David & Goliath!

So then I decided to search David & Goliath poo...and found nothing! Yay!
And "poo t shirt design" brought some stuff up, but nothing too much like what I'm going for design wise.
David & Goliath design

On google I also found this, which IS the kind of thing I want to do...
so I went to the page to see if there were any similar designs and found a few more 'Holy Shit' designs :(
Shit hit the fan
BUT on the plus side, these don't appear to be a continuous series of designs, they are all different styles and so I think I'm still okay to go ahead with my idea! Mine will be cuter designs anyway, more feminine too.

1 comment:

  1. I feel really nice reading these articles I mean there are writers that can write good material. wordpress themes
