Tuesday 6 May 2014

Corsets - figure distortion

Corsets distort the figure and squash the woman's organs in the name of beauty! The use of corsets originated in the 16th century but were the height of fashion in the Victorian era. Recently they have come into fashion again, this time less extreme (not squashing organs!) and more for a sexual appeal rather than general fashion. They can give women a feeling of being skinny and sucked in, making them feel attractive and boosting self esteem. Corsets distort the body to create a false representation of beauty and the female body, a possible theme behind my work could be that all these treatments and things we do to our bodies don't actually make us more attractive, or the way we don't value true beauty anymore? What has beauty turned into? Something along these lines, could even possibly bring the sensitive subject of eating disorders / self harm into my work as part of distorting the body? Would provoke an emotive response from an audience and is also a subject close to my heart, giving my work some meaning and actual value and worth in my life? Definitely something to consider!

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