Friday 20 March 2015

The 1960s

The 1960s is an era that we remember as happy and positive, but that is far from the truth. While we may think of hippies, freedom, flowers and bright clothing, we forget about the very real threat of the Cold War. Not only that, the sixties was also defined by the fight for civil rights in America which was finally passed in 1964. However this did not solve the problems of racism, with many black urban neighbourhoods still living in poverty.

Richard Hamilton was a British artsit that is said to have started off the Pop Art movement with his piece 'Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?'. This was a digital collage piece, a very modern way of working for the time, created in 1956. There is what appears to be a lolly pop in the piece, with the word "POP" written on it, hence the name...Pop Art! Or so the story goes.

The 60's was the era

John F Kennedy became President on 20th January 1961.

27th June 1969 marked the start of the gay rights movement, said to have originated at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York. This incident is referred to as the "Stonewall Rebellion". The patrons of the bar were tired of the harassment and discrimination they faced, and so took to the streets for 5 days to protest this mistreatment.

As a nation, Britain lost a lot of identity during the 60s.

Some quick facts:
- first televised presidential debates
- invention of the laser
- most powerful earthquake ever recorded hit Chile
- lunch counter sit-in, Woolworths, Greenboro, NC
- Birth control pill approved by FDA
- Bay of pigs invasion
- Berlin wall erected
- JFK gives "Man on the Moon" speech
- Peace corps founded
- Soviets launch first man in space
- Andy Warhol exhibits Campbell's Soup Can painting
- Cuban Missile crisis
- Escape from Alcatraz
- First person killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall
- opening of first Wal-Mart
- Marilyn Monroe found dead
- First woman in space
- Great Train Robbery (UK)

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